Easy program for make cards model Yuppi

Easy program for make business cards template "Yuppi" easy!

Fill in with your personal data:

Firm - Company:
Description activity:
VAT / Tax number:
Description (1'):
Description (2'):
Position Job Title:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Phone number:
Site Web:

Privacy: the inserted data are not saved!

Color Palette

Select the colors of text and background

Choose your color
Background under the name

Company - Firm

Other data

Do you want to print the background under the name?
A light background or your own pictures?!

If you have got a personal trademark or an background from your computer, insert it. Indicate the path of the image using a max size of 310x185px - upload max 1 MB. The image is scaled proportionally or used as a filling for the background...

Background type: Image adapted Real image scaled proportionally

The border also serves to crop ticket?


To help the cutting of cards or to center modules precut

Choose the printer fonts suitable!

Helvetica Courier Times New Roman

The character selected will be used for all the data

Font style of character?

Normal Bolder

In case of a very dark wallpaper, you can increase the contrast and highlight

Highlight the most important data

For name: Name Name Name
For Firm / Company: Company Company Company
For any other element: other other

Setting print margins!

By setting the margins you can print on any templates of precut or prefory cards, 10 pc. a page


To check the preview
of your business card

anteprima di stampa

(enable popup!)

The programs for creating business cards on the web are numberless, my aim has been to make it user-friendly and convenient, creation and printing directly online without downloading or installing anything, so that anybody could use it in a simple and relaxing way...
I hope I have created a free program thanks to which you can generate your own gadgets… The program to create business cards is very user-friendly and I think you should not have any difficult to get good results. To get a perfect print, I recommend you to use precut or prefory A4 paper, or a card paper or a thin cardboard and to print using a high print resolution, if you add logos or images as a wallpaper. That’s all! Now enjoy yourself!

Communication, with the arrival of the Internet, has been turned upside down but the old letter of introduction is still present and for some activities and professions is essential. So you always have available and cards to date with all your sensitive data. To be successful and be remembered presented with a ticket, sooner or later will serve.

My models are free, are preset to favor those who are not so much practical information but if you're one has experience using them can distort the images you have on your computer or with the photos that you can do with your smartphone. In short, you have ample opportunity to change.

www.bilexo.com proposes a really free service and the application does not save any of the personal details, so you can sleep soundly in your bed!!